This week as part of writing our children turned one of their favorite songs into a new version. Here are 2 that we shared with our assembly. First the children listened to different versions of 'baby shark' and then had little chats about how they could change it. We have cleaning up version to santa versions to dinosaur and kiwi version. It was fantastic.
Lets just say our writing on this day was not particularly quiet, but the children were very focused on their own versions, singing them away to themselves as they wrote.
Afterwards the some children had time to record their versions in garage band using a backing track Mrs G had already made up for them. Then this was used in iMovie to record their version. One group even used the green room to record their version.
Well done to you all. Writing songs is a great reason to write, and it is so fun too.
Baby Elf.
By Olivia.
Baby Dinosaur.
By Sienna G.