Thursday 19 September 2019

Spring Blogging Challenge

This is the Ohaeawai Schools Spring Blogging Challenge for this year.  If you are a year 3 or above post directly to your own blog.  If you are in Team Maunga contribute to this blogging challenge by emailing or and we will upload these as we can.

Remember that as we are posting directly to a wider audience, it is important to not only post photos and ideas but to also add a description of what you are posting.  

Below are some helpful tips that might help you as you think about what you would like to share.  These apply for all sharing as it helps to ensure we have quality blog posts.

Helpful tips

  1. Please add a label to each blog post (e.g. your name).  This way it is easy for you to see your posts or others who want to view your posts can do so easily.
  2. If possible please read posts others have put up and comment on these.  This will help you with your own posting.  
  3. Remember to use good cyber citizen practices.  Check images, writing, ideas, names are suitable to be shared, or that you have obtained permission before posting.
  4. It is OK to borrow ideas but you must modify them to make them your own.
  5. Think of inventive and different ways to present your work - it does not have to be just a written comment, you can use any tools you have been learning to use in class.
  6. You can post as often as you want. If you post in the morning but then do something wonderful that you want to share, BLOG AWAY!
  7. Take photographs/videos/audio clips to accompany your work.

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